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The Condition of the Cemetery
An item in Hatzfira, 2 January 1878 page 395 describes the condition of the Brisk Jewish Cemetery. A reporter named R”S Tel-Melakh had business in Brisk. He commuted to Brisk from Warsaw for a period of a month. He was an eye-witness of desecration of the cemetery and wrote about it:
It is shameful --- that they don’t fence the cemetery so it will not be a place for cattle and a short-cut path for any passer by wishing to shorten his way from the city to the train station. I say with my own eyes how many of these passers-by desecrate the graves, move the gravestones, etc ---
Later the same year, in May, the same reporter praised Rabbi A. L. Feinstein for organizing the erection of a fence to protect the cemetery.
Notes: R”S Tel-Melakh: this surname is a translation into Hebrew of Saltzberg.

Page Last Updated: 30-Oct-2024